Monday, 2 February 2015

Marshmallow Pops

My eldest son Fraser is now 4 and seems SO grown up.   I have been looking for things to make with him to give to his school friends for Valentine's.  So we made these marshmallow pops and we had so much fun making them.

My mom is also visiting from Canada at the moment so Grandma helped us too.  It is so lovely that even though Fraser doesn't see her all the time he instatntly warms to her when she is around - like he knows she's family.

All you need is: 
- Marshmallows (or we made Oreo ones too)
- Cake pop sticks
- Chocolate 
- Sprinkles, smarties or anything you want to top it with :-) 

Melt the chocolate.  Place marshmallow on a cake pop stick and dip in the chocolate and then sprinkles.  Leave to dry.  Enjoy! 

We filmed us making these: 

Now here are some cute photos of my boys making and enjoying them. 



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